Saturday, April 10, 2010

Haiz , lost during compe , very disapointed , why me , why now , why don't i know de reason , haiz , nvm , going 2 know it soon. Thurs nvr go school , cuz wed kena rashes again , cb sia , then thurs wake up , not feeling so well , went 2 school , went 2 class , slack at cme lesson , then ltr go canteen wait bus bring us go , then ltr reach ther , eat ( YUHAU FOOD SUCKS ) lol , then ltr change and thx aaron 4 styling my hair , very nice ^..^ , then ltr compete , gt 9th out of 27 , fk marks , the difference of mine and the highest is 0.25 , haiz , if i feeling better , sure can get 1st , but , haiz , then yesterday went home wif bird and nexx , then ltr bird left , then nexx take 98 wif me , then crap , then went to je , then go seperate ways , then go home very early , nth to do , dun wan do f&n , then i was packing my stuff then i found something that i tot was lost , but heng ar nvr lose it , lol , then ltr eat , then do tution hw , then tution , finish tution use sis com , msn , dl songs , then sleep. 2day went to jurong polyclinic wif mother to get appointment at SGH , dunno when go , hopefully can skip school , WOO , lol , k lor , now nth to do , bye


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