Monday, October 25, 2010

From 2day onwards , i will express 99% of my feelings into this blog , no more holding back , no more hiding in my shell , try not 2 get over excited if u are offended :D . 1stly , 2day ly baked cookies , haha , reject her cuz i dun wanna eat dog food , mirah oso reject , haha sister :D , then she why so random will bake cookies ? My hypotenis is tht she has no/little true friends , so she gave cookies to be friends :D , reasonable rite , haha , ly if u see this , beware not 2 get over excited k ? And yea dude , dun feel like judas betrayed u , cuz not only judas will betray u , kim jung II , osama and lots of shell hiders , juz wait patiently :D .Then chung 2day oso high , her cb like broken tap , keep flow blood , everyday pms 1 , then say we nvr bring wad maths file , she oso nvr tell us ? Therefore we can conclude , pms does not only damage your attitude and it oso dmg your brain , most prob , blood clot , then gt like 2 hrs slack period , quite bored , o yea and faizzul said he wanna go jc , HAHA , dude april fool long time gone , haha u go jc , walau he this type dickhead can go jc ? A maths oso fail worse than me , haha , joke of de day , all i wanna do is juz follow a new god call , i dun give a damn :D .


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