Monday, February 14, 2011

Lalalala , so tada , 2day was valentine day , well alot ppl were sad , and they say they dun give a damn bout valentine , well actually they do , or else why they would like , i prefer single , haiz , lol , very like xia suay man , lol , even faizzul this type hor , oso gt gf sia , walau , lol , even if its fake , even nerds oso have , lol , give pen as valentine give , i hope u will do well studies , lol man , stare at hp dunno how many hours oso no 1 msg from u , so no hope liao lor , then very sad lor , yesterday wanna try something , last step cannot do , bloody hell , then tada , no valentine gift :( , next time should not try sincerity method , gonna use cash , lol , then 2day , cvr good mood leh , no sup for a maths ppl , they high man , lol , tink she gonna spend valentine either a sg bf :O , 2 timer , lol , or she stand at custom of singapore and her husband stand at custom of malaysia , then wave hand , lol , macham prison like tat , then kang cried , lol , aiyo , nvr bully ar :/ , then foo sup lesson best , granny rage and left , lol , then everybody cheer , woo , lol , then early dismissal , once again , nvr bully ar , lol , then tada , after sup , everybody go find their love 1 , dinner oso cannot have wif u , haiz , sad man , lol , then only gt date wif fnn , but break liao , 3 page only , aiyo , so loner man best friends are beer , drunk me 2nite pls , k ba nth else liao , bye


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