Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hi ,2day pon wushu , dun feel like going , 1st leg pain due 2 too long nvr exercise , lol , 2nd stomach pain :( , and lastly due 2 chew , last min then say wad nyaa shit , then wad 30 hours cip , wah n1 lar , i only gt 8 , which is like left 22 hours ? Then wad camp at old folks home for 22 hours ? Then ask me this sat and sun go , ppl oso gt plans 1 rite , haiz , changing is hard :( , very tempted to say some racist stuff , and gh was mad bout it , sry :( , seriously hope u can forget bout my suckish attitude in de past and really hope u can forgive me , i am willing 2 change anything 4 u , except de fact tht i love u :D . Now father talking 2 a friend who has a fake and gay smile like tam , haha , k ba , go play games liao , bye


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