Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yo , well 2day had more interesting stuff , well woke up like a pig , 12.40 woke up , haha new record , tink i gonna have trouble waking up when school reopens , then went 4 haircut , which is bout 45 mins , wow , haha , worth it lar , very nice , lol , macham beng :/ , then had lunch and best part , i did HOMEWORK , OMG , so proud , lol , its like a change of heart , yea , lol , well actually not do lar , mostly put up a show so tht mom wont kp when i use com :D , smart eh , lol , then omg sia , i stalk yap jia wei fb hor , LOL , HIS FRIENDS MORE THAN MINE , LOL , ai seh yap jia wei leh , mai siao siao , haha , haiz joke man , then oso nth much , most prob gonna watch finish fairy tale by this week , not bad sia de show , k lor , hope nite time comes faster , bye :D


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