Friday, January 14, 2011

When there a hill , there is always a slope, which suxx , lol , well 2day was kinda awesome and suckish , 2day total of 3 different periods , eng , maths and fnn , huat ar , eng of course high lar , mrs foo bodoh , joke man , then fnn oso high , max com keep tio restart , then heng heng can recover , lol , then donnovan dumb fuck , tio busted 4 playing pvz , lol , all sabo , haha poor guy , then after school , chi oso high , all fail , cb dunno write wad lan , then best , go home , took bus , saw BREND AND DARRYL , omg , so long bo see each other , somemore same bus , lol , then went daryl house , saw leon and shaun , lol , well , everybody change , all become more gay , lol , darryl more man and bully , lol , leon more fat , jovis more joke ? lol , then slack till 8 , wow , then went home eat , change , wanted play bball , but no air , nobody gt pump , sad , then play wif a toy , wee , lol , nice , but dumb , haha , then of course best , gt police come find trouble , lol , check ic , call hq check gt lie anot , best , arvin come , say hi , he oso kena be police , LOL , ppl going down buy 1 packet of rice and tada , lol , suay bodoh , haha , then play wif de toy lor , then drop phone , phone screen crack , sad boodh , change phone oso no contact , so ppl gonna call me , then went de old playground , well renovated , very wide space , tink de bb court oso very nice , play a little parkour , lol , jump here jump ther , tired bodoh , heng nvr injured or tmr gg liao , haha , then went home , bathed , dota , lol , then tada , gonna sleep soon , hope tmr dun mess things up , nites :D


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