Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hi hi , 2day had wad extended program thing , not bad lar , learn new stuff , kenny and yjw nvr come , lol , kenny can cope 1 but prob is yjw , haha ltr make parents proud again , then after school visited mrs tan , then gt workshop next week , weeee . The purpose of this post is to explain to every ppl out ther how dumb and smelly i bangla will get :D Funny shit sia , 1stly 2day i take lift ma , then gt 1 bangla enters de life , not bad not smelly 1 , haha , then ltr lift open , nobody , k close lift , then next storey lift open again , nobody k , close again , then ltr next storey lift opens again , but still nobody , till de 1st story life open already , nobody , CLOSE AGAIN , HAHA , 1st floor already still press close button , haha dumb sia , told max and he was laughing like hell , haha , then went home tht time , wah peh sit behind 2 bangla , de mother very smelly , de son haven grow smell yet , smelly sia , then suffocate , then shuqun ppl come in , noisy , humid , and smelly , wanna puke :( , then finally reached taman jurong cc , then de tortue ends , do u guys know tht if a bad hum is cooked in a soup , de soup turns bad . Therefore a bad hum = a failed hum , and a bangla in a lift can corrupt de fresh air in de life , therefore a bangla = failed creation of god , god wanna make ppl look tant , so he puts them in a oven , but they were overburnt , sad , logical rite ? OF COURSE , cuz its all facts :D Have a nice day , and sry i lost most of de contacts as i changed new phone
So long bo post liao , this 3 days rot at home , played a new game call minecraft , graphics worse then mario , lol , everything is cube , even animal oso , but quite fun and intersting , but sadly duno how play multiplayer wif mr ke , sad , yesterday Yap Jia Wei bday , haha , next year o level dun i will make my parents proud then get 0 marks hor , haha , and sadly chua sy retain , jia you next year and work hard , seriously i wanna work hard next year , even fiz is changing , wow , haha , gonna drop a maths then focus on other subject , haiz , since nobody is making de 1st step , dunno how long are we gonna stay at de level ground :(

Monday, October 25, 2010

Juz read nexx blog , wow , finally know u , since u really hate me so much , why prentend ? At least ly is understanding , she still ask me did she offend me or something , yet u only shoot mass vulgar and stuff at me , best , we are not friends , dissapointed , u wanna know de truth , ask ly and guess were through :(
From 2day onwards , i will express 99% of my feelings into this blog , no more holding back , no more hiding in my shell , try not 2 get over excited if u are offended :D . 1stly , 2day ly baked cookies , haha , reject her cuz i dun wanna eat dog food , mirah oso reject , haha sister :D , then she why so random will bake cookies ? My hypotenis is tht she has no/little true friends , so she gave cookies to be friends :D , reasonable rite , haha , ly if u see this , beware not 2 get over excited k ? And yea dude , dun feel like judas betrayed u , cuz not only judas will betray u , kim jung II , osama and lots of shell hiders , juz wait patiently :D .Then chung 2day oso high , her cb like broken tap , keep flow blood , everyday pms 1 , then say we nvr bring wad maths file , she oso nvr tell us ? Therefore we can conclude , pms does not only damage your attitude and it oso dmg your brain , most prob , blood clot , then gt like 2 hrs slack period , quite bored , o yea and faizzul said he wanna go jc , HAHA , dude april fool long time gone , haha u go jc , walau he this type dickhead can go jc ? A maths oso fail worse than me , haha , joke of de day , all i wanna do is juz follow a new god call , i dun give a damn :D .

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Internet now very slow , dl 1 game oso need like 1 hour , sad , yesterday went piercing wif sp , then camp at mrt for 45 mins waiting 4 her , lol , then went woodlands ther pierce , 15 bucks nia , so cheap leh , then we like , safe anot , then end up she pierce , squeezed my hand so tight , lol , not bad lar she nvr cry , very strong leh , then her parents dun allow she pierce , then keep thinking of reasons to tell her mother , haha reason liao liao , then went home bout 3.30 , then used com , bla bla , very boring , hope can go out , then 2day my butterfly knife broke , OMG , lol , i dropped on de floor , then de screw came off , then cannot screw in leh , then my father change de screw , then tada , not bad lar , useful father , lol , then chat on msn , ate , now rotting , now it feels like i am at de peak of a mountain , any decision and i will fall and hard to climb back de mountain

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

HAHA , 2day so totally busted , haha , but still , i dun give a damn , haha , tmr sure ho sei 1 , haiz , now feeling so remorse , sad , angry , dissapointed , mixed feelings in my heart , haiz , yesterday went 2 eat sakura at sci centre , wif 2e6 friends , except kj , and yx , and yap jia wei , lol , then eat till very happy , hope can hang out more often wif u guys , gonna update more details next time , gonna sleep , haiz , tink tht if u dun appreciate wad i sacrificed , thts no point hurting and dragging

Monday, October 18, 2010

Yo , 2day was late meeting sp , nexx and ly , tot meet at je , then went ther , camp 4 dunno how many mins , then end up say they at jp de subway , then bo bian go lor , haha lucky saw tio yx , regin , gh and ja class de girl , then alal , nexx puke :( , then she changed , after tht walk round jp , sp say wan pierce , then end up go 2 west mall see gt shop anot , then walk here walk ther , end up go nexx house , ly wierd sia , ppl share stuff ? Cannot ? Wth , 1 plate of rice , oso need put on 2 seperate plate , lol sia , like royal family , very formal , lol , then went 2 lot 1 , went kbox , dunno some ppl hor , go ther nvr sing , very rich , sp very high till last half hour ,lol , then at life , gt some ah beng say in hokkien , now alot young ppl like act beng , then wad hong gan , act beng nia , alot stuff , but i agree :D , serious alot youngster now act beng , school oso alot , still rmb gt 1 beng , dunnno which class , tink 2e5 or e6 , sec 1 tat time cry 2 sam , then now act beng , very disgusting , haha , tink those ppl act beng sure tio hoot 1 lor , then after tht went home , bathe , gonna eat soon . Feel so useless , its like , everytime when i see u , ther is always an obstacle between us , its really hard 4 me to even talk 2 u , and when im given de chance , i can do nth , its like your the sea and im de land , we hardly meet , even when we meet , we come and go fast , its natural for a friend 2 care 4 each other , perhaps we are nt fit 2 be wif one another , i love u and i felt remorse and guilt singing some songs , but i can't overcome tht obstacle , im sorry . Yesterday gt bitch scrathched , by who ? MY FATHER , lol , my knucle bleed :( , cannot play butterfly knife liao , sad , tmr meeting wif e6 ppl , YEAH , cele igna bday :D , then fri going ly bday , k ba gtg eat , bye

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Feel like throwing stuff out of de window , wad u give does not return , life is this unfair , dun even tink i stand a fking position in your heart , feel so useless ,even a trash is better , this sucks . Yesterday was nel and jun an bday , yeah happy bday bla bla , drop my hp , off button spoil , then puke yesterday , doesn't feel great , then 2day f&n paper , fly liao , whole class fail liao , info oso give wrong , sure fail lar , mye , eye oso give wrong info , fail lar , then played dota wif mr ke , yap jia wei and guo hong , tink my f&n gonna fail worse than yap jia wei , lol , why do ppl keep giving de jiao bi -.- , very nice meh , ok lar 4 girls understand , pms ma , boy leh , knn ting u like very cool meh , keep giv de jiao bin , gtg revise liao , tmr last paper liao , after tht rot for 2 months , bye

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wah so sian , exam period sick , haiz , bo bian need 2 go school take exam , 2day imba funny , chung pms then come class giv alot ppl drop a maths form , lol , wher can like this , nvr do hw then drop subject , tink hod dua pai ar , abuse authority lor , then ltr say giv us last chance , do de paper then hand in , then we all buai song , wan pull her down oso , so decided 2 write complain letter . BUT THX 2 SOMEONE HOR , KNN GEH KIANG LOR , wad class meeting lan , then wad tell zurainah or wad dog shit , knn , wad form tcher need 2 know , hokkien ppl say kiang tio hou , mai geh kiang , dun be smartalex lar , cannot control big mouth , go sew lar , then zy , max and other ppl was like , ccb wtf , go tell zurainah 4 wad lan , big mouth sia , talk so big , end up nvr file , still say u all oso dun wan file , wad lan , then at 1st , she write class meeting , then wan tell her , she ask me shh , wtf rite ? i wan tell her , u sure u wan do this , ltr u class meeting wad lan , file report , chung or any shit tcher ask , who did this , then all blame u , u ho sei liao , big head dunno fill wif wad lan , then juz now talk 2 my mother wan puke blood , everytime de same , belive in tcher dun belive in me , knn , wan i stand on de roof then can belive me ar , i say tcher sot eh , buai song ask ppl drop a maths , then she wad , your a maths very good meh , tcher drop u cuz your a maths lousy wad , then i say whole class drop leh , then she say whole class lousy ma , knn not class lousy , tcher sux k ? knn still ask me go wad extra outside tution , go prostitude station better lor , everyday maths sup , go home tution , then wad outside tution lan , gt money like this spend , then i fail say i waste of money , knn , de prob wif ppl is they are selfish , ppl push blames on others , those unselfish ppl are wad we call simple minded people or retards