Friday, January 14, 2011

Good morning :D , after droping my hp , i realise tat de time in my hp oso change , wtf man , lol , sad lor , then 4get post some very joke incidents yesterday , lol , k 1stly is de bus 1 , i morning go school , sit on bus , msg ppl , gt 1 guy , like china , sec school 1 , most prob sec1 or 2 , then he keep looking at wad i msging , walau privacy leh , then when i look up , he look away , lol , then repeated till dunno how many times , then i wan alight tat time , i look at him , then he chua tio , he tot he kena caught then i wan fight him , lol then stare like 2 secs , then he know i wanna alight , haha , joke man , u should have seen his face , lol , then de 2nd 1 , dota noobage , lol , went daryl house ma , then brend play , then kp ppl , then give ppl leon number then they call , HAHA , lol , then i tok wif them , i so polite , they so rude , lol , still say wan meet at china town , then dunno wad kuey tu pat , lol , joke man , they at lan lar , then cannott hear properly , and cannot speak properly , standard vulgar only , so not beng lar , leon wont die lar , lol , well leg kinda hurts after yesterday , haha , still can perform lar , so tada , dunno ltr meet aat wher , and its too early 2 call ppl , so gonna dota , and maybe kp some ppl , and give leon no. again , haha , k ba bye :D


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